Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Horror of Knowing Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein

Remember the man who Bob Atchison swore in court documents and to the police Oma Hamou had hired to murder him which after a thorough investigation by law enforcement including Homeland Security concluded Atchison made the whole story up because of his vendetta against Hamou it turns out recent events has led the folks over at the UN and other Executive Branches of our government to investigate the alleged hit and his role in Atchison’s scheme to put Oma Hamou in jail.

Here is an excerpt of a recent letter sent to the UN and others concerning Mr. L’s relationship with Bob Atchison and his web company Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc:

The conclusions of the various law enforcement agencies investigative report concerning Bob Atchison criminal complaint against Oma Hamou.

Neither Oma Hamou or anyone else connected to her ever discussed wanting to murder or harm Bob Atchison. Hamou did not ask Mr. Mrs. L to obtain a Ground Pass to the United Nations so she could funnel money into Russia, Hamou is not of Arabic nationality as depicted in the statement provided to the police which in the end classified her as being a potential terrorist.

We know for a fact someone from Pallasart a web company owned and operated by Bob Atchison created a web site called Oma Hamou Church Scams and registered it under the name of Mr. L who then contacted and told them this was done fraudulently against him. See attached letter from

We know Bob Atchison placed the first phone call to the Mr. Mrs. L’s residence as evidenced by his phone records to them and vice versa. We know prior to making this call to the L’s residence, Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein contacted several law enforcement agencies throughout California in an attempt to have Hamou incarcerated for crimes she did not commit.

This is further evidence by the various letters and phone records originating from Bob Atchison, Pallasart & Rob Moshein with the Beverly Hills Police Department, California Attorney General’s Office, Los Angeles Police Department, F.B.I., Irvine Police Department, Austin Police Department, Houston Police Department, Idaho (name of agency withheld) Police Department, Wyoming Park County Police Department, U.S. Marshall's office and Atchison v. Hamou Texas Civil Case No. GN303141.

We know from the various emails submitted to the court by Bob Atchison that the “alleged” first contact received from Mrs. L makes no mention of someone hiring her husband to murder Bob Atchison.

All computers owned and operated by Bob Atchison, Rob Moshein and or Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc must be examined as we don’t know if that first “alleged” email sent to Atchison by Mrs. L is legitimate given the subject's propensity of forging documents. Attached hereto (name of law enforcement agency withheld pending an ongoing criminal investigation)

We know for a fact: Reviewing Bob Atchison's phone records it is apparent that from June 17, 2004 at 10:16 AM until 11:25 AM Atchison attempted to call Mrs. L … on 12 separate occasions. As the phone logs show on the 13th attempt, at 11:25 AM, he was successful in making a connection and spoke with someone for approximately 17 minutes. Then it appears he lost the connection and at 11:43 AM reestablished that connection which lasted approximately 27 minutes longer. Considering the time from the first email to the point at which the police were first called one has to wonder, if this was really a true plot to murder Mr. Atchison, why did it take so long? Mr. Atchison’s phone records reflect that on June 17, 2004 at 12:29 PM he contacted the Austin Police Department who sent out a patrol car to his home. Officer Alfredo Delvalle took Mr. Atchison’s statement at 12:36 PM.

We do not know if the voice on the other end of the telephone who identified himself as being Mr. L was in fact him when speaking to law enforcement personnel concerning the alleged “murder for hire plot”.

We know for a fact Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein have involved other people from a web site owned and solely operated by Atchison's web company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc. the Alexander Palace Time Machine in the solicitation of others in harming or causing harm to Oma Hamou and her various businesses entities.

We know for certain Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein strongly hate Hamou and have created mulitple web sites about her which are designed to humiliate, harass, stalk, libel, defame Hamou. Both Subjects (Atchison & Moshein) have a history of hiding behind false names to harass, stalk, oppress Oma Hamou and her associates, including but not limited to individuals (names withheld) connected to the Russian government and other business associates of Oma Hamou.

We know Bob Atchison has threatened on numerous occasions to harm Hamou and others. See attached correspondences from Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein re: Alexander palace Time Machine History Forum PM's, etc.

We know for a fact Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein 'under oath' have presented documents to the court and law enforcement which they claim were true copies and or representation of the original documentation when in fact these documents were forged ---- therefore any and all letters pertaining to Mr. Mrs. L must be held as suspect.

We know for a fact Mr. Atchison has committed perjury on numerous occasions including but not limited to his testimony in his civil lawsuit in Texas against Hamou. See Trial Transcripts and law enforcement report ongoing investigation (name of agency withheld).

Bob Atchison manipulated his own attorney in the Texas Civil Lawuit Atchison v. Hamou, Case No. GN303141 into committing perjury during trial by representing to the court a previous lawsuit existed between his company, Pallasart and Enigma (Hamou’s film company) when in fact it did not. See Attached law enforcement (name of agency withheld) report.

We know for a fact Mr. Mrs. L did not do any work on behalf of Hamou or her film company, Enigma Films. See Attached law enforcement reports (names of agencies withheld)

We know for a fact Bob Atchison's statement to the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies throughout California, the Austin Police Department and other officials concerning a Russian priest and Oma Hamou were lies specifically created to harm the name of the Russian Orthodox Church and Oma Hamou. We know Bob Atchison contacted JP Morgan in New York City to advise them Oma Hamou amongst other things (information withheld) had tricked a Russian priest by the name of Markell Vetrov into cosigning for a loan on her behalf with their Moscow branch. See attached Atchison’s statement to the Irvine Police Department and other law enforcement agencies report on the subject matter.

We know for a fact Oma Hamou, Enigma Films & the Sarskaia Foundation was granted a temporary protective Order against Rob Moshein & Pallasart's web site, Oma Hamou Report dot org. See Texas Civil Lawsuit Atchison v. Hamou Case No: GN303141

We know for a fact Bob Atchison was willing to sign the below statement concerning the "alleged" Murder for Hire Scheme involving Mr. L.

See Texas Civil Lawsuit, Atchison v. Hamou Case No. GN303141.

Letter written by Hamou's Attorney, D. Slater to Atchison's Attorney, L. Matthews

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The undersigned, Robert Atchison, issues this public statement in connection with the lawsuit, Cause No. GN303141; Robert Atchison, Plaintiff, v. Oma Hamou Defendant; In the District Court, 345th Judicial District of Travis County, Texas (“Lawsuit”).

The lawsuit has been settled and I have agreed to issue this public statement in connection with this settlement. I have also agreed to be made subject to a Permanent Injunction which has been entered by the court in connection with this settlement.

In the past, I have made statements concerning Oma Hamou, the Sarskaia Foundation, Enigma Films, Inc., Enigma Royal Films, LLC, Enigma Royal Films, Inc. and the film, “As A Matter of Honour.” These statements have dealt generally with allegations of criminal conduct on the part of Ms. Hamou and certain commercial debts purportedly associated with Ms. Hamou’s filmmaking activities. These statements have been communicated by me to the general public via the internet and to various third parties such as governmental organizations, prospective lenders, industry professionals and other third parties in private conversations and written communications.

Statements that I have made both verbally and in written form concerning Ms. Hamou and her related organizations and entities regarding the aforementioned subject matters have been false and misleading. I have agreed pursuant to the Permanent Injunction entered in the Lawsuit to no longer make any statements regarding Ms. Hamou or any of the previously mentioned organizations, other than referring to the fact there was a lawsuit, it was settled, and this statement, and I have agreed that any statements by me relating the fact that there was a lawsuit and that it was settled will only be communicated together with the complete text of this statement.

Further, I agree to publish this statement and the Permanent Injunction on the Alexander Palace website ( for a period of one-hundred twenty (120) consecutive days the date of the entry of the Permanent Injunction.

Most particularly I wish to publicly state that I recognize that two topics I have commented upon have caused particular distress for Ms. Hamou and I wish to speak directly to those matters.

Firstly, I have no personal knowledge or information which would support in any manner the unsubstantiated allegation that Ms. Hamou or her associates or colleagues attempted to hire a third party to harm or murder me, Robert Atchison. It is my understanding that the law enforcement authorities investigating this matter have closed their files based upon an absence of evidence to support these allegations. I have no reason to believe that there has ever been any substance or merit to these allegations.

Secondly, with respect to the various statements made by me or made by others and republished by me regarding Father Markell of St. Petersburg, Russia and The Fedorovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia, I wish to publicly state that I have no personal knowledge that Ms. Hamou took any action that made Father Markell “homeless”, that she seduced him or otherwise had any inappropriate relationship with him or that Father Markell was required to or did repay a loan to J. P. Morgan Bank on behalf of Oma Hamou or any of her related entities and, thirdly, I acknowledge that Ms. Hamou did undertake restoration efforts for The Fedorovsky Cathedral and the Alexander Palace.

My specific reference to the above two topics (regarding an allegation that Ms. Hamou attempted to harm or murder me and the comments regarding The Fedorovsky Cathedral and Father Markell) are not intended to diminish in any way my full and complete retraction of any false or misleading statements I have made in the past regarding Ms. Hamou and the aforementioned entities and organizations. It is simply that I understand that the allegations associated with these two topics have been most offensive to Ms. Hamou.

In no manner do I wish to impede the production of the film, “As A Matter of Honour” or do or say anything that could possibly reflect poorly on her commendable and worthwhile effort to restore any historical monuments in Russia. I wish Ms. Hamou the best in these endeavors. I sincerely regret any harm or damage suffered by Ms. Hamou, personally, or suffered by any of the organizations and entities affiliated with her, or any person associated with this lawsuit. Again, to the extent that any of my previous statements have caused Ms. Hamou concern, embarrassment, or humiliation, I am truly sorry.

­­____________________________ ____________
Robert ATCHISON Date

Source: AA Legends &


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