Sunday, August 12, 2007

Too Bad The Men Behind The Alexander Palace Time Machine Don't Practice What They Preach...

On Bob Atchison's Alexander Palace Time Machine History Forum Rob Moshein writes:

A "valid source" is:

Someone who was there at the time, who is most likely reliably accurate because they are honest sources, trained reporters, officials etc.

Someone who has studied numerous sources, who is academically "honest" ie without personal agendae,bias, financial incentive, etc.

Something, Bob and Rob are lacking thereof....

Valid sources have little to do with the profession/degree of the author(s) presenting the information but with how these sources were obtained, what the sources are, how they are interpreted and most importantly how they check out. Hence, again, it is always a good idea to follow up on the references/sources of any "new" information which has not been presented before, or on information contradictory to anything else that has been presented in the past, such as the case with Bob Atchison/Rob Moshein’s "flawed" research on Oma Hamou.

As Rob Moshein said: "...It is critical to question authors and their backgrounds, sources, etc and not just accept what one person says ... at face value...."


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