Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A dose of reality....

Today on Oma

Before friend of AP posts what Rob/Bob and cohorts just published on that digusting blog about Hamou read my blogs on the murder for hire plot and how the events [b]unfolded:[/b]

For the record given the fact the men behind the Alexander Palace Time Machine website writes something on the web and represents it is a copy of the original DEMAND they prove it for all we know those two (Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein) could once again be lying!

Court records and Atchison's statement to the Austin Police Department, California police department and the FBI were inconsistent:

One. Bob Atchison claimed the Austin Police Department called his residence to tell him Oma Hamou had hired someone to murder him. Not true. He called them after receiving an email from the alleged hitman's wife which by the way didn't say Hamou had appraoched them to murder him instead it complained Hamou had conned them out of $20,000 and they were pissed off.

Two. Phone records reveal neither the alleged hit man or his wife called Atchison's residence instead it was Bob who contacted them and together or alone cooked up the murder for hire plot as way to get rid of Hamou. Two people who believed Hamou had done them wrong and thought by cooking up this plan saying she hired someone to murder Bob was a good choice one that would for certain put her in jail by doing so would be doing the world and justice system a favor.

Three. Threats were made to Mike Newson threats which are documented by way of email and other communications between Atchison, the alleged hitman and his wife and Newson all of which are documented in Newson's affidavit to law enforcement including the FBI.

Four. LAW ENFORCEMENT in California and the FBI examined Atchison's phone records which were provided to them by Counsel representing Hamou in her civil case against him, his company and Moshein down in Texas. They examined all the emails including the forged documents Atchison had provided and viewed Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site the cut paste job Atchison did to make it appear Hamou was responding to something he sent, verified AOL records which supported the credibility of Oma Hamou, etc. after all this effort the DA and the FBI determined Bob Atchison was lying. The fact is law enforcement encouraged Hamou to file a criminal complaint against Atchison for this incident but she told by her attorney the matter would be addressed at trial during her lawsuit against these men. Point to make here, Atchison filed a harassment complaint against Hamou back in 2003 yet he refused to cooperate with the Austin Police Department and published on his/Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site a detective Arthur Fortune told him/Rob he believed Hamou was guilty of doing this yet in communications between this detective and Hamou's attorney this officer denied making this kind of statement. Whose lying, Bob Atchison, Rob Moshein or the Austin Police Department?

There was No PLAN TO MURDER OR HURT Bob Atchison, it is a lie if there was a shred of proof, evidence this incident took place law enforcement on both the state and federal level would have taken action. This didn't happen because the evidence proved Atchison made it all up - that is he created the incident believing he was doing the world a favor by once and for all getting rid of Oma Hamou.

Think about it...

Back in 2004 Atchison made a complaint to the FBI, the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies stating as a matter of fact (on record) Hamou had hired someone to murder him the investigation into this charge came back to say, BOB ATCHISON of the Alexander Palace Time Machine website is a lying liar. 2008 Atchison and his cohorts insists law enforcement believed his charge of Hamou having hired someone to murder him but they claim the state of Texas (notice no mention of the FBI or LAPD) couldn't do anything about it because of jurisdiction issues, state lines. We've all been told Oma Hamou has filed a criminal complaint against one Bob Atchison, Pallasart and their cohorts with the FBI and one of the things I've been told she wants is for them (FBI) to hold Atchison accountable for this murder for hire scheme that he concocted against her.

On my blogs I have posted all of the relevant documents relating to this incident. &

A letter between Atchison's attorney (Matthews) and Hamou, Enigma & Sarskaia's attorney (Slater):

Bob Atchison's Lie about Murder for Hire Plot

It is akin to Tsarfan a/k/a Mike Pyles another cohort of Atchison's pretending law enforcement in Idaho told him they were investigating Hamou for kidnapping and had spoken to a woman whom he claimed Hamou had stolen her identity. This incident and conversation never took place with the law enforcement agency in Idaho yet it was published on the web as if it had, go figure?




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