Friday, June 01, 2007

Judge This....

By Mike Newson
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In the "beginning" there was Oma and Life promised that things would never be dull around her … (especially for those close to her ;) )

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Starting of humble birth in the mountains of south eastern USA, Oma came into this world fated it would seem to attract all the wrong attention. Starting in childhood she experienced "things" --- traumas --- that most of us only read about in the newspapers. Life was such that she escaped the only way she knew how and left home as a very young teen with basically nothing but a baby doll and traveled to the home of the stars – Los Angeles California, or more specifically Hollywood.This was a trip that would happen several times in her young life. You see she was very lucky and met the right person and instead of becoming a street walker as a teenager --- she walked with the stars.

The basic outcome? She eventually stayed in LA where she became a model and actress and met with moderate success as a model, hanging out with the jet set crowd and seeing the world. Even today, if you keep your eyes open, (something most of us don't do while watching this type of programming) you can see short clips of her now and then in TV advertisements where they use what the industry calls stock footage. (Her heyday was before the Internet so we do not find tons of photos of her all over the place…) Stunning of figure and introduced to the right people she started to make inroads into the etertainment industry, she had a long hard row to hoe.

Then we introduce into the plot the now ex husband --- Marcus Demian born to a different name many, many, many years before Oma was even a twinkle in her fathers eye, and the user of many names over time, a somewhat successful writer in the entertainment field, but with a strange appetite for women that would make Oma his tenth wife (and she most certainly was not his last wife). Oma seemingly attracted him not only with her body but I'd say that with his past experiences that he could tell that here was a woman that was ripe for the types of manipulation he was capable of. The marriage turned turbulent right off the bat with several incidents of domestic abuse and temporary restraining orders however, there is something that is strange about women who have had experiences like Oma has had, they keep coming back to the one who hurts them, attempting to defuse and appease the situation, it is as if they have some compulsion that transcends all that most of us would call common sense. Besides if nothing else Oma Hamou is first and foremost a mother.

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There is a Hate-Oma Blog, that Marcus has confirmed is maintained by Rob/Bob, that claims Oma kidnapped Marcus's children and didn't have permission to take the children anywhere. Yet an order was signed by the COURT instructing the Sheriff to remove the children from their father and deliver them to their biological mother. Both women were told by the Sheriff to take all three children and “Get out of Dodge” as Marcus was mad as hell and was gunning for bear. Custody of Marcus's two small children were given by way of a court order to their biological mother and because of what was told to the women, Oma hid all three children including her own small son and the mother in a different city. The state of Montana knew the circumstances but Bob/Rob, et. al., do not --- and because the records pertaining to the children are SEALED by the State of Montana, I don't think they ever will other than as we attempt to set the record right. (Why we attempt it is beyond me as “they” never modify their story to reflect reality, they just keep on portraying that their story is the whole truth no matter how or how often we correct them. Well now and then they do respond to what “we” say and make modifications, generally to justify their position, or add some more of what they think is dirt about Oma in a continuing attempt to get someone, anyone, to hate Oma and believe them. The only way they will accept any fact is if it places the worst possible light on Oma. I think in part that for them to admit that even one piece of their story is false would be to have their whole house of cards fall down around them, at least in their eyes. The funniest part of this is that they say they have the “right” to say this about Oma and “laugh” when we say that they do not, yet when this was brought to court the court granted a Temporary Restraining Order in favor of Oma as she had shown a likelihood of winning the case of libel against Rob Moshein/Bob Atchison and yet they continue to do the same things that they were told not to do.…)

Turning our attention back to the "kidnapping" allegations made on that Hate-Oma Blog --- despite a court order that in part prevented Marcus from going anywhere near his children and Oma's or the women (Oma & the biological mother) he found the two small children and convinced their mother that if she traveled to California that Montana wouldn't have jurisdiction and they would be free. He flew them (the children and their mother) to California and a few days later showed up with someone who pretended to be a cop there to arrest the mother of his children for violating the court order. He then kidnaps the children and returns back to Montana as if he is some kind of hero. The mother reports the kidnapping and when Marcus returns he is surrounded by law enforcement at gun point and the children are placed in foster care. One other little tid-bit, the guy who impersonated a cop was later arrested, plead guilty, while Marcus maintained his distance and claimed he didn't have anything to do with it.

Over time there emerged one horrifyingly real pattern, the children were being "used" by her ex husband at first in denial and later held in sway by his manipulation and abuse, she eventually left him and returned back to the abuse several times, facing many horrors at his hand. (Ask someone who knows about this type of trauma and ask them what happens to short term memory in such cases, ask them what the victim will do and say to escape the horror, ask them about the denial that the victims exhibit.)

Obviously he had to discredit or remove the women in order to be left free to continue to feed his appetites. (Can one say -Motive?) And he used his writing skills and crafted a plot worthy of the big screen. Manipulating Oma in the way that only one suffering from past traumas and now in the thrall of battered wife syndrome could be manipulated -- she kept returning trying to appease the beast in any way she could.

The end result, Oma went to jail according to the script. Her Ex promised her all sorts of things (such as; he would get her out and pay for everything using their joint assets , which her being in jail left him in control of (such as the $100,000 plus joint ownership apartment building that he sold without telling her while she was in jail), and all would be made well --- her son would stay alive…) IF she would do what he told her and such is the mindset of one suffering battered wife syndrome that she did what he said --- always trying to appease the beast that held her soul captive. (One aspect of battered wife syndrome is that the victim will do just about anything to defuse the situation and typically believes that it is all their fault….) He even told her that if she had not been in jail that she would have been dead, just like he said his previous wife and the mother of those other children was. Later in this story, after he almost killed her, she broke free, it took the apparent death of the mother of his children (the wife before Oma came on the scene) --- a death he bragged about --- and Oma's almost death at his hands (The color photos of her body after he finished beating her make you sick) and the death of her unborn child (caused by the beating) for her to begin to see the light, but she did see it and never again could he control her like he had.

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In one of several letters to the court Marcus Demian’s attorney writes:

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Did you know that in California the statute of limitations has not expired for murder, fraud, conspiracy to commit murder and all sorts of stuff that Marcus Demian did?

Oma has the evidence including cancelled checks to the man Marcus hired to pretend he was a cop, checks he pretended to give on behalf of Oma but never did, bank statements, letters, tape recordings that he himself made and thought that he had disposed of in a trash bin.
Anyway after the divorce, Oma got married in 1994 one more time and acquired the last name of Hamou, there was still some mop-up to handle because of the events that transpired while she lived that nightmare with Demian but afterwards she lived in Israel, Switzerland, and London before returning to L.A., where she came up with a concept to turn one of the novels she had written during this time period into a movie and formed a production company which in time would take her to Russia.

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Now we introduce the next set of villains in this little play. Bob Atchison and his life partner Rob Moshein who, seeming to "own" the Alexander Palace in Russia, and having an excellent web site on the subject. Oma thought she had found someone who could help with the historical accuracy of the movie project, his web site said great things about him and Russia, but when she actually traveled to Russia she found that the claims were empty shells. Forced to resign her association with Bob Atchison and his web association, in order for the Russians to even think about working with her. The net result is that for the next five and half years she would be faced with opposition in the form of Bob attempting (and succeeding) to stop her in any way he could so that the project would not succeed.

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Was jealousy a motive for his actions, jealousy in that he felt the Alexander Palace was his? After all, he talked to the dead empress in visions, did "she" tell him to stop Oma Hamou?
Was it that he felt he was the gatekeeper of all things dealing with this time in history? Or did he have to discredit Oma to maintain his own illusion of control and authority in regards to this historical time period, and associated buildings, people and events?
So far the motive remains a mystery, unlike Marcus, where the apparent motive is the feeding of a warped sexual appetite, Bob Atchison's motives are still unknown. What is known is that he hates Oma, and wants the world to hate her and those around her. Although to be honest at times I wonder if it is not Rob Moshein who is the driving force behind the daily activities on the web. There is a long complex tale behind these few words here: accusations and counter accusations, words written attacking Oma and words debunking those words, attack - defend and counter attack, the ebb and flow of a battle of words fought on the internet, where probably thousands of years from now people will be able to go back and read all about it.
Basically one has to go on patterns of behavior to understand it all. For example, when one looks at the patterns we find that patterns of denial of actions in regards to attacks on Oma Hamou on the internet exists in public while, to insiders and others such as during attempts to have the police go after Oma, or in court, responsibility for the sites attacking Oma exist.
The short story is that after finding that he would not have a part of the new project Bob went after anyone who he thought might work with Oma to accomplish her dreams and tried to convince them that she was a horrible person because of what happened with Marcus so many years ago. He took the battle public on the internet, at first on his own site, and then through other sites, including one site in which it turns out the web master was a friend of mine and he retrieved the sign up record for the "free" web site that had the hate-Oma Hamou diatribe posted. The record showed that a Pallasart (Bob's Company) IP address was used to create the site. Now in line with this thought, at one point Dunn & Bradstreet had a report about Oma that she does not know how the report came to be in existence and which she corrected the results after she found out about it, but not before Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein used it to show negative things about Oma. Now we have a similar situation, as when they used my friends site to host their diatribe, coming into existence (details to follow when the legal teams says it is Ok to talk) in that we have found, and documented, where a Pallasart IP was used to create a very recent business report about one of Oma's company’s similar in nature to the D&B report. As the pattern now exists where in we can prove that a Pallasart IP was used to create this report, could not the same pattern be applied to the D&B report. That is what is the validity of these reports when one finds that Rob/Bob (they really are one entity) are behind the creation of them?
Patterns, Patterns, Patterns --- this is the key to understanding. If you take the time to go back and study the issues, notice that several women have had similar experiences (patterns) with Marcus? Notice that several people have had similar experiences (Patterns) with Bob Atchison/Rob Moshein/Pallasart, et. al. Notice that there is a pattern of saying that something is true with no supportive documentation to back it up, it is just true because they say it is and believe them.… Or, of misreading the documentation, or using partial quotes out of context. Cut and pasting emails such that they provide a story line that supports their point of view. Then when Oma’s defenders provide the documentation to debunk what they state is the “Whole Truth” then it must be faked (Photoshopped) or otherwise falsified. When we show using documented evidence that there is a pattern of falsehoods being issued by the hate-Oma groups then we are stalking them and they are the victims. It will take some time and digging to find the truth of are Oma Hamou’s defenders telling the truth, or is she this monster that those who wish you to hate her say she is. The way you can tell is found in the patterns, such as the pattern of the various Hate-Oma web sites and blogs stating that Bob Atchison has nothing to do with the words published therein. Yet what was the evidence of the various police reports that have been published concerning this? (Bob Atchison claimed ownership.) Remember how the various Oma Hamou Report web sites denied any involvement of Bob/Rob, yet in the end who owns the domain? (Rob Moshein is the owner of record) Bob has claimed responsibility in private (remember that we have informants from the inner circle) for what was denied in public… I think when all is done and finished that we will find that Bob is at the center of it all, that everything swirls around him, the center of influence and motivation, as if a spider in the center of the web of deceit that has been spun about Oma and all of us who defend her.
In the end I think that the legal system will vindicate itself and call to accountability the actions of Rob Moshein and Bob Atchison (Pallasart, as well as Marcus Demian now that he has inserted himself into the mix. At one point I think Oma was willing to just have her name cleared, but now, based on the nature of the threats issued, I think it may have gone to far for such a simple ending. What was once historically overlooked is now taken very seriously by the law and law enforcement.
So I think appropriate action will be taken after due process is exercised to validate the mountain of evidence that has been obtained or retained. And then, the evidence having been validated by the system, then I think we will see action on the civil front.

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As I have said before, I do not feel that Oma is this lily white virgin from next door who never missed a day of Sunday school in her life. She made more than her share of mistakes, some can be excused because of the circumstances and some can’t. Much can be understood when you study the trauma of childhood abuse and the battered spouse syndrome. At one point she was a world class model and all that, that profession entails in terms of her body being the primary tool of that profession, I.E. nudity or in her case --- almost nude. So an angel? Not even on her best days!

Oma is more of a warrior of her Russian heritage --- never quitting. The bottom line is not that she made mistakes, but that she took responsibility for them, no matter the cause, made restitution to correct the mistakes and picked herself up one more time. This is the essence of why I respect her, and defend her. That she keeps picking herself up just one more time.
QUOTE MIKE NEWSON: The Demian Marital Assets Document images were republished with permission by Oma Hamou.


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