Sunday, June 03, 2007


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By Mike Newson
The current feed back via the inner circle, after my last letter to Sandman, goes something like this… So what if “Herman” (aka: Marcus Demian et. al.) lied, so what if he created the situation that put Oma in jail, so what if he “smacked her around” take a look at that picture of Oma again, and, if you can find it, the color version and read the police/hospital reports.) “We” (Rob Moshein/Bob Atchison/Pallasrt, are still telling the truth. Besides she deserves it, she is still a criminal and we are only trying to protect the world from her. (Umm… isn’t that what the legal system is for? I thought vigilantes setting themselves up as judge, jury and executioner went out back in the days of the Wild West?)

Is that why Bob Atchison made up a story about Oma hiring someone to kill him to rid the world from Oma the assassin and garner some sympathy at the same time?

I keep asking myself why is it OK for Rob Moshein to have debt and have a company fold and go bankrupt, and for Bob Atchson to have a defunct corporation but still operate and take in income while he was not allowed to by the state and fail to pay his taxes, but on the other hand, with almost the same situation, it is EVIL for Oma Hamou to keep trying to pay her companies bills (rather than declare bankruptcy) and having a corporation that was not current for a time but not doing business during that time, (no income)?

Just what is the difference between the two and why is it OK for Rob Moshein /Bob Atchison but it makes Oma an evil person?

Why is it that “they” have to invoke nebulous friends who are cops and judges, but never have a name, who laugh at “us” but on the other hand our documentation (most of which is sworn to be true to the courts by them) is faked and false?

Why is it that they are just telling you to the best of their ability the “truth” about Oma Hamou, yet the courts slapped them down as having probable cause to be libelous for saying the exact same things that they are still saying?

Why is it that what all the sites and blogs say about Oma can be traced back to what Bob/Rob wrote in Bob’s first legal papers that he sued Oma with - that started all this Internet verbal war?
Why is it that no matter what we produce to challenge their story about Oma Hamou, no matter how many times that they have been put on notice that what they have done is causing vast amount of harm; physically, emotionally, and financially, they keep attacking and never change their words to match what the evidence shows is the truth?

Bottom line, they don’t care as long as they can continue to harm Oma Hamou.

This came in the mail from an anonymous source, make of it what you will:

I hate to be the one to have to point this out, Bob Atchison, but your entire celebrity is fuelled by bloggers at this point. Aside from you creating your G-damn Alexander Palace Time Machine baby you haven't done much since the 90's for the palace. It's bloggers and their sad computers pointing out what a crazy son of a bitch you really are and questioning why haven't they put you in jail for all the things you've done to Oma Hamou that have made it possible for you to have a "career" right now.
If you were angry at, I don't know, Rob for not cooking the meat right, well then I might understand. But sweetie, getting angry at the bloggers who are fueling your needless career is tantamount to Pinnochio bitch slapping Gepetto. We know what's best for you, puppet, now get those fucking strings back on and dance for us.
Neither Bob Atchison or Rob Moshein are a bona-fide historian or for that matter researcher slash detective no matter how hard they attempt to convice everyone that their stories on Hamou are fair, partial and thorough they present a bastardised version of facts which is driven by an agenda.

Yesterday on Pallasart/Bob Atchison’s Alexader Palace Time Machine
Rob Moshein published this statement:

"Penny Wilson presents a bastardised version of facts that would would be better off existing because of the damage it does to actual history. She and her bunch turn history into their own "private opinion poll. She and her group have no respect for people unless they share her and her worshipper's opinons. They not only want to shape opinion, they want to control history. The fault lies with them. On their Forum they are ALL driven by agenda. Why does she have to pull so much stuff out of her ass? She is of course, fat and ridiculous... Of course, SHE has nothing to contribute on her own forum other than absurd accusations of what THIS forum is about."

Any of this sound familiar to the name calling we’ve seen done over on that other blog about Oma Hamou?

On a different forum at which unlike Atchison and Moshein is operated by authenticated historians/authors, there was a bit of “bitch slapping” going on between Rob Moshein and others concerning how he and Bob runs their "baby" Alexander Palace Time Machine Forum.

Re: Expressing frustrations
Posted by: Mr. Kurth
Date: June 02, 2007 04:56PM

Rob -- if I didn't still have a vestige of decency in me (and believe me, it is very small in regard to this case) I would curse you out in a way that might even knock your (fake) Texan socks off! "Your own dear Mr. Kurth" indeed! (As opposed, I suppose, to your own dear witches on the heath.) I played no role whatsoever in the DNA testing, apart from carrying a lock of hair (with my own fingerprints and DNA all over it) directly to Aldermaston. They didn't need any more hair, as it happened -- they already had a lot of "putative" samples. Neither was the hair sample returned to me (and it didn't even belong to me, which is the saddest part of the story in my view). The Schweitzers LOST in their battle to keep things controlled at that time. Every monarchist idiot, as well as some very highly paid lawyers, as well as the "Nobility Association" or whatever they call it -- a lot of dessicated Yusopov-types who give a ball at the Plaza every year -- got into the act. I WAS NOT INVOLVED. The Schweitzers believed, naturally, that what they knew to be true would be borne out by the tests. If they were wrong, then they were wrong, and that is all there is to it. YOU, on the other hand, cannot let it rest. You are not content with your "scientific" results, but must go on attacking and defaming a woman you never knew, out of some loyalty to -- what??? Your tremendous success with your board? The fame that accrues to you through your association with Bob? Oma, maybe? Or to a lot of liars who wrote about the tsar's family *after* the fact and made sure that they themselves were presented in the best possible light? I wouldn't know and I do not care. You are NOT a historian, never mind a biographer -- just an acolyte (and I imagine the empress speaks to you, too, in your sleep, as she does in Bob's -- unless she's busy with something else, in which case "Olga" takes over). How dare you? How DARE you? You know and knew none of the people involved, but here you are yakkin' about "dear Mr. Kurth" (who *did* know them). You are a fool, Rob, plain and simple -- it makes no difference to any of us what you think (beyond your efforts at intimidation, which will naturally sway a couple of people -- no more than that), neither will it make any difference to history -- this I promise you. pk
Peter Kurth wrote the above in response to RobMoshein's Comments:
The Schweitzers and your own dear Mr. Kurth did not think the sample was at all "putative". They themselves offered it up to prove she WAS Anastasia Nicholaievna. Nobody questioned its authenticity at all until the result came up showing she was not. Funny.... and "while YOU are the one telling the world to play like you want to, or you'll take the ball and go home" - actually, that's not true, you see the APTM Forum is MY HOME. I'm sorry that you don't like our rules of conduct in OUR home, but then, it ours, not yours, or Caleb Granger's or Peter Kurth's. All we ask in OUR home is that you respect our home and rules as much as you would want others to respect YOUR home and YOUR rules.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2007 03:50PM by RobMoshein.


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