Saturday, June 16, 2007

Alexander Palace Time Machine Strikes Again!

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Jim Sproul wrote and told us about he claims for four years Bob Atchison, Rob Moshein and their cult like following over at Alexander Palace Time Machine web site have used this forum amongst "other places on the web" to criminally harass, stalk and libel Oma Hamou.

Guess what folks their not letting up, they've done it again!

Seems this time around they are saying Hamopu's ex-Husband, Marcus Demian's statements published on the web about Hamou threatening him are true. It reminds me of how they claimed on the web Hamou had hired an assasin to kill Bob Atchison or how about this one, how Hamou had kidnapped some woman in Idaho or this one that Hamou seduced a Russian priest and got him to co-sign for a loan.

All of the claims made by Atchison and his history freaks over on his web site Alexander Palace Time Machine web site about Hamou were proven to be lies and we at APO were especially glad to prove at least with what Marcus Demian wrote on this blog was nothing more than hot manuere. In other words Marcus Demian is full of shit.


Back to the business aspect of this blog, you've probably noticed that we've slowed down a bit in these parts. There's a few reasons for this, and I'm gonna lay them out for you here:

1) We're looking at changing our host. Because of this, we've been screwing around on the dummy blog on the new host a bit, and it's taking away from posting time.

2) We're working on doing some new and fantastic things around here. Stay tuned for a new segment we're calling "Please Approach The Bench."

Trust me when I tell you that you will NOT be disappointed. We're also working on a reader mail portion for our programming (so get your questions, comments, and adorable pictures of baby otters in NOW!) and are toying around with several other ideas to make things different around here. We know how many gossip blogs there are out there, and we appreciate those of you who take the time to visit ours each and every day

3) I've actually just been damn busy. My job keeps having, like, these expectations of me lately. I've been working too much and not spending as much time with my family as I'd like. All of this adds up to a decline in our posting time. Yet you all continue to come back, more and more of you each day, and for that we honestly do thank you. I promise to continue giving you quality and, when we can, quality in higher quantities. What I will NOT do is rush through a post and put something half assed or, worse yet, plagiarized here just to fill space. That's just not me. We started a blog because we have things to say. Exposing the truth behind the men who run a web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine and their cult like following.

That desire to expose them still burns deeply within each of us, and shan't be burning out anytime soon.


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